SlovakAid Fellowship Program for Change Leaders 

The «SlovakAid Fellowship Program for Change Leaders»

In cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic and support of SlovakAid, iSANS and partner institutions in Slovakia are implementing a Fellowship Programme for Change Leaders.

The Program will be implemented during the period from February to November 2021.

The programme will contribute to continuous coverage of the developments and trends in Belarus, help better understand the needs of the country, facilitate the formulation of the necessary reform agenda for the country, strengthen research and analysis skills of fellows and build networks supporting better policy-making in and towards Belarus.

The programme will also feature high level engagements between Western democratic government representatives and Belarusian change leaders, including through dedicated side events at the GLOBSEC 2021 Bratislava Forum.

The «SlovakAid Fellowship Program for Change Leaders»

Our partners:

Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA) – is a foreign policy think-tank based in Bratislava, Slovakia. Since 1993 the mission of SFPA has been to conduct high-quality, independent research and, on the basis of that research, to provide innovative practical recommendations for policy- and decision-makers.

GLOBSEC – is a global think-tank based in Bratislava committed to enhancing security, prosperity and sustainability in Europe and throughout the world. Its mission is to influence the future by generating new ideas and solutions for a better and safer world.

The Institute for Public Affairs (Slovak acronym IVO) is an independent non-governmental, nonprofit organization bringing together experts from many different areas of study. It was founded with the aim of promoting the values of an open society and a democratic political culture in public policy and decision-making.

Authors and Articles

iSANS, 11.05.2021, Belarus and Slovakia: closer than it seems

Evgeny Makarchuk, 18.10.2021, Expert: Belarus may resell Russian gas to the EU

Evgeny Makarchuk, 25.10.2021, The electricity market may become more discriminatory

Evgeny Makarchuk, 05.11.2021, There is no limit to «improvement»

Anastasia Rogatko, 08.11.2021, Беларусский кризисный менеджмент

Anastasia Rogatko, 09.11.2021, Беларусский кризисный менеджмент-2

Evgeny Makarchuk, 12.11.2021, A move from the market

Olga Dobrovolskaya13.11.2021, What refugee status for Belarusians in Poland means and why it shouldn’t frighten you

Olga Dobrovolskaya15.11.2021, The right to protest and protesting lawlessness in Belarus

Andrei Titov, 23.11.2021, Militia or police?

Olga Dobrovolskaya, 29.11.2021, Persecution of Belarusian citizens abroad

Ales Alehnovich, 03.12.2021, Почему Беларуси нужна приватизация

Ales Alehnovich, 03.12.2021, How the public sector in Belarus is surviving in the absence of privatization. 

Ilya Ivanov, 10.12.2021, Details of the peaceful protests in Belarus

Veronika Laputko, 13.12.2021, How the Belarusian authorities are fighting internet activists

Veronika Laputko, 13.12.2021, No access to information

Ilya Ivanov, 20.12.2021, Belarus political prisoners: why they must be an issue of international concern

Andrei Titov, 21.12.2021, The use of INTERPOL in the search for opponents of the Lukashenko regime

iSANS, Review of the Energy Balance Compendium 2021

Evgeny Makarchuk, 24.12.2021, Союзная программа по энергетике: занавес приоткрылся

Алесь Плугавской, 29.12.2021, Вопрос Кадров в Сельском Хозяйстве Беларуси

Olga Dobrovolskaya, 03.01.2022, Lukašenkov režim vylieva politickým väzňom vodu s chlórom

Анна Алейник, 04.01.2021, Популизм в обычной жизни и политике

Анна Алейник, 07.01.2021, Как вовлечь в активное выражение воли инертное большинство?

Алесь Плугавской, 29.12.2021, Проблемы аграрного сектора Республики Беларусь

Siarhiej Naurodski, 19.01.2022, The financial sector of the Belarusian economy at the times of COVID-19 and economic sanctions

Ilya Ivanov, 05.12.2021, The impact of the events of August ‘20 on society in Belarus

Evgeny Makarchuk, 20.01.2022, Реформирование энергетической системы Беларуси

Алесь Алехнович, 24.12.2021, Уроки приватизации госпредприятий в странах ЦВЕ

Andrei Titov, 19.01.2022, Системный подход

Алесь Плугавской, 29.12.2021, Земельная Реформа