The onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine was widely medialized by both mainstream as well as alternative media channels, including websites spreading disinformation. Following the start of the Russian aggression, many unprecedented steps have been taken to fight the spread of disinformation, which has become a top concern for policy decision-makers as well as the public. Therefore, PSSI has analyzed the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine through the eyes of one of the most well-known pro-Kremlin media in the Czech Republic: Sputnik CZ.
The aim of this perspective was to analyze the changing narratives of Sputnik CZ as the situation escalated, and the way it tried to justify Russian actions and subsequently legitimize the offensive. Additionally, the approach of both public and private institutions to the conflict and the transformation of the Czech (dis)information scene was examined.
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The article is also available at PRAGUE SECURITY STUDIES INSTITUTE.
This article is published as part of the Prospect Foundation project «New Propaganda and Disinformation Challenges for Visegrad/EaP states in the Changing Environment» managed by iSANS and supported through grants from the International Visegrad Fund.