Pro-Kremlin Propaganda in Belarus: Classification of Narratives 

Pro-Kremlin Propaganda in Belarus: Classification of Narratives
Photo: RFE/RL Graphics

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The successful identification of the influence of information is impossible without awareness of the strategic narratives that are used in communication. This regards storylines that offer an interpretation of various events, phenomena, and issues.

In the most general terms, the global narratives of pro-Kremlin media directed at a Belarusian audience can be described as follows: the West in all its manifestations is bad and aggressive towards Belarus, Russia, and other countries beyond its control, and Belarus belongs to the Russian civilization, its future possible only in an alliance with (or within) a good Russia. These metanarratives break down into many more specific storylines that relate to specific countries and events.

The study by Andrei Yeliseyeu, head of the iSANS Monitoring Group, proposes a systematization of pro-Kremlin propaganda overall concerning either Belarus itself or that which is aimed at a Belarusian audience. It is based on a regular study of several thousand materials from more than 50 relevant Internet sites and multimedia publications.

The content of most propaganda publications and audiovisual materials belongs to one of the 25 proposed propaganda narratives or a combination thereof. For each of the narratives identified, the study gives three excerpts from propaganda resources. The proposed 25 narratives can be classified into four groups of narratives, depending on the country or countries that are the object of propaganda.

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Материал доступен на русском языке: Прокремлевская пропаганда в Беларуси: Классификация нарративов
